How to Make Money Blogging In 2017 (For Lazy Deadbeats)


The 3 Top Tips to Create a Super Profitable Blog in 8 Months

Hi Deadbeat, today I’m going to be showing you in this post how to start a profitable blog from scratch and get it to take off by generating loads of traffic and then making money.

I have received hundreds to thousands visitors per month and have made a full time income from my blogs, which makes me consider myself as someone you want to listen to about making money with blogging– so let me have your undivided attention.

I have summed up the best practices of making money blogging into 3 SUPER ACTIONABLE TIPS, just so you can begin taking actions – it’s simple and relatively easy!

These tips aren’t the basic steps required to setting up a blog – just so you’d know; and in case you’re a beginner, quickly let’s go over the basic steps below:

  • Choosing a blogging platform: there are about 5 to 10 blogging platform available for you to choose from which the prominent ones being WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr namely. I’d definitely advocate WordPress, it’s a massive platform with tons of plugins, add-ons, themes at your disposal. So do choose WordPress, you won’t regret it!
  • Choose web hosting/domain name: as a beginner it might be tempting to go with a free hosting and domain name – I’d advise; you buy both a hosting and a domain name – you can start off on a cheap shared hosting if you’re concerned about the cost and also a domain can be really cheap, say below 5 bucks…

Even if the ugly URL( for your new blog  which you’d get doesn’t bother you – you’d be limited still, you can’t have a  fully functional money making blog on a free subdomain. So pull out your credit card and buy both now!

  • Design your WordPress blog: WordPress gives you ease and almost infinite ways to design and layout your blog. You can choose from a ton of free themes for your blog or if you want you can purchase a paid theme.

That’s that about the basics…now let’s head to the real meat, 3 actionable tips to begin making money blogging online.

#1 Select a Lucrative Niche to be in…

The first tip to creating a successful blog that you’re going to profit from is it has to be about a popular topic:

Here are top 6 top industries online right now:

  1. Dating
  2. Health & Beauty
  3. Adult
  4. Biz-Opps
  5. Coupons/Discount/Daily Deals
  6. Games

It’s safe to say all these are popular markets that appeal to a lot of people online – where people would be willing to spend money. So if you’ve developed a passion for blogging about say a “not too popular” niche like for instance “in-growth fingernails” which appeals to about a small number people online.

It’s probably not a good idea if you want to make money blogging about it as it’s not going to be lucrative.

Reason is you can only have a few posts about it and then you’re out of ideas for posts, plus the small number of people who are interested are only going to visit your blog, consume the content and never visit again because there’s nothing new to be consumed.

That’s not going to be lucrative for you as you need to convert visitors to your blog to loyal readers then ultimately to buyers of whatever products you might build in the near future and sell to them.

You can’t do that if visitors only visit once now can you?

So always select a lucrative niche! It’s absolutely important…

Now you might say – “how do I know my selected niche is lucrative?” Good question…

There are quick checks you can do to find out if your selected niche is actually going to profitable for you when you start blogging about it.

Google Keyword Planner:

If you have a gmail account, then you should sign in to your Google Adwords account and locate the Google keyword tool – it can always give you a hint if a market you’re getting into is going to be profitable.

Now for instance here are 2 online markets I have in mind – “lawn mower” and “Chinese cuisine” –

Using the G. Keyword tool – when I search for Chinese cuisine – here’s what it gives me:

Keyword Planner – Google AdWords

As you can see in the image above, the arrows are pointed to 2 things you can easily look at to gauge the profitability of any niche.

  • The average number of monthly searches
  • The suggested bid

For the Chinese cuisine market – it gets about 1k – 10k searches per month which isn’t so popular! And the suggested bid shows and proves there are advertisers selling products – with a suggested bid of £2.44 ($3.10). That connotes an expensive and almost saturated market.

Now let’s try this with the “lawn mower” market –

2Keyword Planner – Google AdWords

This is a really popular market online, getting about a million searches per month, that’s a load of traffic –also with decreased suggested bid which confirms merchants and a viable market.

So it’s a popular market which will be more lucrative than the “Chinese Cuisine” market on the long run.

Speaking about long runs – let’s go on to the next tip.

#2 Build up your Audience Base…

Right after you’ve chosen your lucrative niche, for the next 6 months you shouldn’t be concerned about making money. You need to build up an audience or readers’ base.

Ever wondered how some successful blogs have got such a cult following? Well this is how they did it –

At this stage you’re posting say 2 valuable contents per week and like I said you shouldn’t really worry about making money now.

What you want to do now is simultaneously build up an audience base on social media networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube – here’s how you do it:

  • Facebook: create a good Fb page for your blog and pick your best posts that you’ve published on your blog and spend money on ads boosting them, it’s going to get you likes for your fb page and help build your fan base on facebook.
  • Twitter: create a twitter handle for your blog and then follow and interact with your competitions – tweet your best contents and you could also use twitter ads to gain more exposure and followers on twitter.
  • Youtube: Create a youtube channel based on your blog, see if you could convert some of your best contents to videos, post them on your channel and promote it – get people to subscribe to it.

Do all these for six months slowly until you’ve built up a cult following, also you want to link your social properties together like promote your youtube videos on facebook.

Then use the last tip that’ll transcend your blog to having serious spiky traffic levels.

#3 Re-launch your Blog!


Right after six months of audience building – by now you have a fairly strong amount of readers’ base, they are going to be the catalyst of now taking your blog to the next level as they are going to be the one sharing your posts…and making the quality posts go viral which will bring spikes of traffic.

What you want to do now is have queued up for 30 days solid – top quality posts, videos – for every day of the 30 days.

This will help you achieve a top blog status with over 50 posts skyrocketing spikes of traffic – then you’re ready to make money blogging.

You can sign up at advertising network exchanges, set up Google Adsense, accept direct ad placements from advertisers, sell custom and affiliate products etc…to begin your money making blogging roller coaster.

If you want to learn more about how to make money online blogging, feel free to check out my DeadBeat Super Affiliate System.

So there you have it the 3 solid tips in building a profitable blog which will continue making you money for years to come from different ways of monetizing its traffic.

See you in a million bucks!

Dan brock


images source:


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