3 Money Making Skills For Online Business Owners

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3 Money Making Skills For Online Business Owners

Hey deadbeats, what’s up?

In today’s post I will be looking at 3 money making skills for online business owners…

…What is KNOWLEDGE, if you don’t know how to use it properly? Today, I will explain some essential home business skills you need to know.

CaptureJust like any job or anyway to make money, you need to have the skills and knowledge in order to do that job…

…And of course a lot of times, PEOPLE NEED TO BE trained and have some guidance on what to do!

It’s even more important for an online business that you have the RIGHT SKILLS…

…Otherwise you will just be wasting time and effort. Let me guide you in the right direction… let’s begin shall we?

Money Making Skills For Home Online Businesses

Now, these skills are the three core skills that you will need to know…

…Obviously, as your business STARTS TO GROW and you make more money you will need to acquire new skills… but these are the core ones.

Now, these skills aren’t skills that you can learn at school (sorry to disappoint you).

These skills can only be learned from REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES and this is what I will be talking about today!

analytics-2697949_640Now, before we start I just want you to realise…

…Back in the day for example oil or metal WAS WHERE you could make some nice money, but fast forward to 2017 and this is where the money..

…is at! Making money online is the new oil or metal AND IT’S HERE TO STAY, so make sure you jump on this now.

You want more freedom & to ditch that day job… then working online could be for you!

Moving On…

Firstly, you need to get good at spotting opportunities…

…It may SOUND EASY… but let me assure you it isn’t. There is a skill to this and you need to learn it.

Because once one opportunity presents itself – IT MIGHT FAIL… then you will need the skills to look for others…

…So that you can keep your online business going!


Now, this is something that not everyone just does…

…It comes with practice and time. YOU NEED TO CHANGE how you look at the world and then you can find these opportunities.

REMEMBER, how i have said in countless post… your mind and your mindset is the strongest thing.

It’s done passively and it’s quite hard to explain, but it’s all part of a business mindset, which you need to learn!

Home Business Money Skills

Ok, so a few things you can do are :-

===> Use Google Trends to find some key information…

===> Use forums, especially ones in bigger niches…

===> Read magazines and lots more..

You will want to soak in all this data and after enough times you will get better and better at it. 

You need to make sure that when you see that thing, YOU ACT UPON IT… because if you don’t you might have missed an amazing opportunity!


The more experience you get…

…The more you will be able to quickly see and act upon something that can make you successful and make you some good money from home!

You also need to think about if the opportunity is going to be EVERGREEN AND AROUND for a long time…

…Because there is no point investing time and money in it, if it’s only going to last for 2 months… this is NOT SMART.


Now, the second skill you need to master…

…Is resourcefulness and learning how to BE SMART with the resources you have positioned for you!

You need to think about what your good at and then make yourself better at those things…

…but be careful THIS ISN’T the easiest thing to do, sometimes we give ourselves more credit then is due.


When building your online business…

…There are going to be times when you don’t have the skills or YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. 

If you can learn these things in like a couple of weeks or a month, then that’s OK…. but if it takes longer than that…

…Find someone and pay them to do it for you, so you DON’T WASTE TIME OR MONEY.

Home Business Skills!

For example, something like programming…

…Now, i took some basic classes and over the years i have trained myself more, but it’s a VERY COMPLEX skill and takes years to learn it all.

In your journey, you will be faced with many decisions and then it’s up to you to make the right one and steer down the right road.

It will come with time and then the more you do it, YOU WILL BE ABLE to spot the bad roads!


You’re not going to know everything and you not going to always have all the tools you need…

…So, this is why it is an important SKILL TO HAVE FOR LIFE! Master it and conquer it for a better online business.

Lastly, you need to be able to create and be creative… you need to have a creative mindset…

…In any online business that you get into in order to be successful and to keep it going for years. 

Moving Forward…

You need to put a unique spin on the opportunities that you find…

…This is where being CREATIVE WILL REALLY HELP you, because without it… your just be like most people and fail or make only a little bit of cash.

A creative mind comes from trial and error, but over time you will develop that way and get VERY GOOD at it… just keep practising!

===> BONUS TIPS <===

===> Experience will help you master these skills, stick with it…

===> Practice each day and you will develop your mind…

===> If it takes too long to master, pay someone to do it…


One of the top ways to make money online is through affiliate marketing and i have a FREE guide to show you exactly how you can profit from this today! Access it here ===> deadbeatuniversity.com/guide


Over and out!

Dan “the deadbeat” Brock

Images sourced from pixabay

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